Monday, March 3, 2008

The Denver Zoo

So what do you do when you live in Denver and the weather is going to be in the 70's? Go to the Zoo again of course. My mom was back visiting this week and this time my sister Lori was able to come, so off to the Zoo we went again. Obviously the rest of Denver heard about the weather too, because there were a lot of people at the Zoo on Saturday. We had a great time and now I think we may be done with the Zoo for awhile. And what a difference a day makes. We heard on the news that it was going to be in the 30's on Sunday and that we would get about 1/2 in. of snow, so we were some what prepared for cooler weather, but nothing like what we woke up to Sunday morning! It didn't stop snowing until late Sunday night and as Corbin and I were trying to get our three little ones into church in blowing snow we were wondering what were we thinking by moving to Colorado. Actually I was beginning to miss the snow. I love when everything is covered in white, it's so pretty. It's not fun to drive in, but it sure does make a great view out our kitchen window. By the way we ended up getting 7 in.


LillyBug Jewelry and Accessories said...

OKAY GAIL SO IM NOT THE GREATEST SPELLER. that's so funny i didn't even realize i had spelled it wrong. rene couldn't stop laughing at me. anyway... i can't belive(haha)how much snow you guys got. wow!!!!!


that is so fun to have a good zoo to go too. I really missed that when I lived in Vegas. Great pics of the snow but I hope it is officially gone now. I am ready for spring