Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lunch W/ Bathing Suit Ballerina & Snow White

While I'm making the kids lunch I usually tell them to go down in the basement and play so I can get it ready and then when it's almost ready I have them come upstairs and sit at the table so I can bring it to them. This is what I turned around to one day as I was bringing them their plates. Ella had on her bathing suit with a ballet skirt on and Easton was dressed in our snow white dress. I was a little caught off guard. I have to say that I think Easton makes a pretty cute Snow White. It just cracks me up the way their little minds work. It was so funny.


Ryan, Shayndel, & Kids said...

Dress-up is about my kids favorite thing to do. They'd have great fun playing with their cousins.

Looks like Easton & Ella are finally reaching ages where they really can play & have fun together! Don't you love it? I bet they'll be the best of buds, probably already are! And the best of mischief makers together, right? Wish we could see them. XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

I bet Danny would have a blast to know that Easton was dressed up as Snow White! I would hide these from him if I were you! :P