Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here are a couple of pictures from Easter with the kids in their cute outfits. My Mom bought the girls their pretty dresses. I gave up after not being able to find anything modest and have decided to have my Mom make their dresses from now on. But she did a great job and the girls were so excited to have new dresses to wear to church on Sunday. After church we headed over to Alan and DeAnne's for an Easter egg hunt with the Allen's and an amazing dinner. I was so busy with the egg hunt that I forgot to take pictures, but the kids had a blast hunting for eggs. Dinner was delicious as it always is. We dined on ham, potatoes, asparagus (that the kids loved), deviled eggs, frog eyed salad and slushies. For dessert my Mom made a really cute bunny jello cake that I also forgot to take a picture of and Amber made yummy rice krispie treats. It was such a fun day. It was also the 6 year anniversary of my Dad's death and I thought it was so remarkable how I was thinking about my Dad and then pondering the miracle of the Resurrection. At the end of the day I felt so grateful for my Savior and his victory over the grave that guarantees that I will live with my Dad again. It was such a neat feeling.


Ryan, Shayndel, & Kids said...

Glad you guys had a good Easter. I'm still trying to get all our pictures gathered & posted from that day! What a memorial day to your dad. It sure makes it more meaningful, like you said.

Your girls are really looking grown up to me, especially Ella in these pictures. Wow! It's been too long.