Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Random Cuteness

Just some random pictures of the kids. Elise was the star of the week at school last week so she got to bring home the class stuffed animal, "Frogalina." I caught her helping Frogalina on the computer. I thought it was so cute how she positioned her so she could see what she was doing. If you know Ella you know that she only wears one thing when she is at home and that is her "Barbie," jammies. Whenever I am getting her dressed to go somewhere she always asked me if she can put her Barbie jammies back on when we get home. So it surprised me this week when she wanted to wear the Cheerleader outfit more. Of course as a "retired" cheerleader myself I couldn't be more proud. And Easton was up to his usually tactics of getting into EVERYTHING. This week he wanted to play 208 pick up. Yes that's 4 decks of cards!


Unknown said...

WOW! What a fun game Easton likes to play. Luckily it looked fairly undestructive. A good clean mess. :)